Hope you enjoy it!...Goldie
You don’t have to play coy.
You want to become a better writer.
In fact, you’d love to crack the code on becoming a writer with tremendously loyal readers who covet every piece you put out there.
That’s why you’re here, right? Checking out all the great ideas that Write to Done has to offer?
The problem is, you keep meaning to work on becoming a better writer, but how many tips have you actually implemented? How many ideas have you really tried?
The good news is you can become a better writer. The key is to totally immerse yourself in the best pieces of advice you can find—and use them.
I’ve put together a list of some of the best tips, ideas, and resources to help you become a writer who commands attention and brings home the bacon.
Let’s get started, shall we?
These are the resources that will make you a captivating writer.
- Deal with your fears and beat resistance so you can stop staring at that blank page.
Creativity is a noble act of pushing back darkness to give hope to despair. http://snip.ly/QBB9 via@JeffGoins Click To Tweet
- Make sure you take the time to understand what resistance really is (and why it’s not necessarily a bad thing
- Overcome writer’s block like these 13 pros.
Your unconscious can’t work when you are breathing down its neck: snip.ly/BJS5 via@ANNELAMOTT pls RT Click To Tweet
- Kick writer’s block to the curb with these 15 proven methods (and 15 more proven methods.)
- Ditch writer’s block by keeping your muse on speed dial.
- Use this writer’s block map to get unstuck.
- Learn how to silence your inner critic.
Don’t allow a past failure to lead you into failure today. http://snip.ly/gQt1 via@ADDerWORLD Click To Tweet
- Get over the fact that “it’s all been done before.”
- Have a plan for when fear takes over and you feel paralyzed to move forward.
If you’re afraid of rejection, hit submit. http://snip.ly/Q0P via @write_practice http://bit.ly/1JB6gpo Click To Tweet
- Overcome writing burnout.
- Forget trying to make major habit changes and create tiny writing habits.
- Use fear to your advantage.
- Don’t let your story let you off the hook.
- Make sure you have a morning routine that sets you up for a productive writing day.
- Harness the power of simple writing.
Writing for the web means designing it for skimming and scanning. http://snip.ly/yfZA via@jeffbullas Click To Tweet
- Don’t let the perfect storm take you down.
- Fight your way through the writing gap and whatever you do, don’t quit.
- Make sure you indulge in these 3 habits to boost your chances of becoming a great writer.
- Channel your inner squirrel so you can write a 1,000-word article in one hour (or less.)
- Change your “who am I to write this?” thoughts into “who am I not to write this?” using the LSC Method.
- Don’t let criticism stop you by insult-proofing your ego.
Find the courage to express yourself: http://snip.ly/phm9 via@marieforleo @WritetoDone pls RT Click To Tweet
- Adopt these 10 mindsets to become a more confident writer.
- Ditch these 6 excuses and become a serious writer.
- Grab your readers right from the get-go with a bombproof opening.
Breaking sweat over your openings means you’re serious: http://snip.ly/O7Fh via@JonMorrow #writingtips Click To Tweet
- Use the Rule of Three to become a more engaging writer.
- Tell itty-bitty stories to engage and entertain your readers.
- Know how to write great headlines.
- Know the difference between a plot-driven and character-driven story (and which one is better for you.)
- Make sure you know how to analyze writing structure and use it to your advantage.
- Follow the Four “P” Approach for more persuasive writing.
- Create a Swiss cheese first draft.
- Be a plotter, not a pantser so you can craft popular stories.
- Create awesome characters (who don’t sound like you.)
Good characters step off the page and into readers' hearts. http://snip.ly/AMlu @Janice_Hardy Click To Tweet
- Don’t wait for inspiration. Make inspiration come to you.
- Follow these 3 secrets and get emotional with your writing.
- Find your writing voice.
- Stay inspired and avoid burnout.
- Take a cue from CSI to come up with your next brilliant idea.
- Sneak inside your reader’s head (and learn 17 other seductive writing tips.)
- Get in the mood to write.
- Stop trying to be a “good writer” and focus on being a talented writer instead.
- Appreciate that grit is the real key to creativity (and ditch your excuses while you’re at it.)
- Stop focusing on the fact that writing is hard and appreciate that you do it because it’s who you are.
- Take a page outta Lady Gaga’s book and don’t let rejection keep you down.
- Stop asking for permission to be called a writer and just call yourself a writer, for goodness’ sake!
- Use writing prompts to get in the mood to write.
- Take Leo Babauta’s advice when you run out of ideas.
- Try one of these 7 (data-backed) techniques to boost your creativity.
- Stuck for inspiration? Fill in the blanks.
We tend to get in our own way when it comes to creativity. http://snip.ly/RwaQ @tannerc Click To Tweet
- Understand why your writing sucks (so you can make it better.)
- If writing feels hard, try these 5 steps.
- Develop your narrative voice by stealing from bestselling authors.
- Either find the time to write, or don’t.
- Take Chris Brogan’s advice and ditch your time-sucking roadblocks.
- Get in the zone and stay focused on your writing with these tips.
- Know the secrets of a prepared writer.
- Hire a virtual assistant so you can spend more time writing.
- Get serious about your writing schedule.
- Use the Pomodoro technique to finish the first draft of your book in just 25 minutes a day.
- Cut your writing time by 50% with these 4 habits.
- Make your writing 100% more powerful with these 7 simple edits.
- Use a few of these 317 power words to give your writing a boost.
- Get rid of flabby words that rob your writing of its power.
- Write sparkling sentences with these 5 keys.
- Make sure to check out these 10 essential editing tips.
- Do these two things to quickly improve your writing.
- Write your best post ever with these 6 editing tips.
- Tighten your copy with this 25-point checklist.
- Be a remarkable writer who swings the snow shovel.
- Write less, not more (and 5 other pieces of advice from successful writers.)
- Check out Stephen King’s 20 tips for being a frighteningly good writer.
- Take some cues from these 21 writing tips from great authors.
Your mother will not make you a writer - Paul Theroux. http://snip.ly/PF8g @ThoughtCatalog Click To Tweet
- Learn from Fred Waitzkin’s creative process so you too can master the art of writing.
- Find your book’s ideal audience.
- As you write, keep in mind Khaled Hosseini’s honesty about limitations all writers have.
- Eliminate your obstacles and follow these 7 habits of prolific writers.
- Create a sense of timelessness with each piece you write (and 22 other writing notes from Danielle LaPorte.)
- Follow Dan Pink’s methods for getting words on the page.
- Check out some famous writers’ sleep habits and decide whether your sleep patterns need adjusting.
Showing up day in and day out is the surest way to achieve lasting success. http://snip.ly/xvfI via@brainpicker Click To Tweet
- Grow your audience and readership by growing relationships with other bloggers and authors.
- Try Ernest Hemingway’s top tips to become a better writer.
- Enjoy some gems of wisdom in Leo Babauta’s Writing Habit FAQ (including how to deal with the times the creativity just isn’t flowing.)
- Use the power of constraints to create your best piece of work ever (just like Dr. Seuss.)
- Write what you need to say.
- Follow these 11 tips to sound like a brilliant writer (without having to use big words.)
- Know why most writing tips are useless (and how to actually write like a rockstar.)
- Get clear on how you can really make a living as a writer.
- Know what successful indie authors have in common if you want to be one too.
- Grab one of these 15 apps that every author could use to write more proficiently.
- If you’re failing to make a living as a writer, find out why.
- Get in the know about why some people make money writing and others never will.
- Become a better writer by being a skilled reader.
- Let your audience help you decide what to write.
- Avoid trying to be original at all costs.
- Read these 9 essential books to transform your writing forever.
- Join a book club to help your writing.
- Make sure to keep in mind these 3 lessons every writer should learn from marketers.
- Write the book you’re longing to read.
- Get published with these tips from a book agent.
- Keep these 10 things in mind before getting published.
- And definitely don’t miss this hilarious take on the publishing process in .gif form!
There you go—102 resources to help you go from amateur writer to seductive wordsmith.
You don’t have to implement every single one of these. Just pick those that you know are right for you. (You’ll know which ones they are.)
And don’t forget that success isn’t just about learning. It’s also about taking action.
You’ve got the lessons you need to learn in the list above, now it’s up to you to take that action.
So go for it. Become that pro writer whose readers can’t help but crave more.
Which tip are you going to use to make that happen?
About the author:
You want clear steps to create addictively awesome content that attracts more sales. That’s exactly what Jenna Dalton will give you. Don’t leave without snagging her free video How to Write the Perfect Blog Post.
Lead Image: petarpaunchev / 123RF Stock Photo
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