Writing Quotes

I learned that you should feel when writing, not like Lord Byron on a mountain top, but like a child stringing beads in kindergarten - happy, absorbed and quietly putting one bead on after another. Brenda Ueland

Souls of My Family - A Novel in Progress

The beginning of the book starts with me telling about my chronic illness and facing my own mortality, which led to me wondering about my ancestors and what they experienced in their lives. I also wanted to write this book for my son so he would at least know something of his family. I did a lot of research and found out some things, but not everything I needed. Because I don't know anything much about my great grandparents on either side, I have decided to write this novel as story and fictionalized. I'll end up with part truth and part fiction, but hope it will make for good reading. 
The novel starts in 1868 with my paternal great grandfather leaving home in England to come to Australia. I’ll write his story and continue on to my paternal grandfather and grandmother. From there I’ll tell my Father's story. This will be book one “The Davies”.

Book two “The Jones”, is going to be about my mother’s side of the family and I intend to start with my maternal great grandmother and great grandfather then follow on to my grandparents and my mother including Mum's life with Dad and us kids.
I intend to self-publish when I've finished and for this reason may post on this blog excerpts of the novel from time to time. I am going to give updates of my progress and hope this will keep me on track. I've never attempted such a big project before...Goldie



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